Chassidish Stories and Great Rabbis

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אריה מינקובReb Levi Yitzchak - Maybe I'm Right
A short story in honor of Reb Levi Yitzchak from Berditchev
  • Controlling Flights, Directing Journeys
    The director wouldn't let it rest. "But why is someone obligated? I don't understand. Let the rabbi say whatever he says and the questioner do whatever he wants." Rabbi Eliyahu just smiled. "Wait. You'll soon understand."
  • The Rav’s Neighbor
    One day, when I was wandering around the Mahane Yehudah market, I saw a picture of Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu hanging up at one of the stalls. I thought to myself, "That rabbi looks really similar to my neighbor - I wonder if he knows him?"
  • Rebuke Wrapped in Candy
    What was the sweetest slap you ever recieved?
  • An Unusual Circumcision
    One Shabbat, a mohel came to Rabbi Eliyahu with a question. He was supposed to be performing a brit that day, but just an hour earlier, the father of the baby told him that his son had been born by Caesarian section and so the bris should be on Sunday. What was Rabbi Eliyahu's solution?
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    Equality before the Law
    When Rabbi Brodies wife suspected that the maid had stole her scarf she approached the Beit Din. So why did Rabbi Brodie come along?
  • Spreading Torah behind Bars
    In a world rife with fake news and media so biased that it cannot be trusted or considered remotely objective, people would be forgiven for thinking that yellow journalism is a modern-day plague. But it even affected Rabbi Eliyahu numerous times over the years…
  • Why is the Rav’s Watch on his Right Hand?
    Why did Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu ZT"L put his watch on his right hand?
  • Are You Eliyahu Hanavi?
    A miraculous story about The Baba Sally and Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu ZT"L
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